Welcome to This Blog

I know its mostly photo's .... so if your not into that stuff then this prob isnt the place for you.

I travel a relative amount in WA chasing waves to surf, so now being armed with a camera i can document the places and waves that i get to see. I also carry my rig around with me prop about 80% of the time to shoot just random things that interest me, hence there will be a mixture of waves/surf and complete random randomness.

I have just completed a degree in a Bachelor of Surf Science & Technology (YES a degree that involves the surfing environment and industry plus other environmental and technological sciences) and also a supporting major in business studies. Kinda looking for a job, kinda not.

Please dont be shy. You can also check out full albums at my Flickr site just by clicking HERE

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Perth City...in the rain

Took these shots from kings park last night, it was pissing down then completely stopped when i rocked up. You could still see the rain hitting the scrappers though

Seagull Chase

On Sunday arvo i went down to city's and there were some crazy seagulls around even though there was a massive rain storm a few minutes away

Sunday, November 23, 2008

No waves in Perth or WA right now as a matter a fact

Here's some of the first pics i took with my new camera

Friday, November 21, 2008

Reabold Hill } Lama Bar } Ewen Hill

First went Reabold Hill for Sunset, then to the Lama Bar for a meal and a pint for $19 and whilst driving home a lightening storm appeared