Welcome to This Blog

I know its mostly photo's .... so if your not into that stuff then this prob isnt the place for you.

I travel a relative amount in WA chasing waves to surf, so now being armed with a camera i can document the places and waves that i get to see. I also carry my rig around with me prop about 80% of the time to shoot just random things that interest me, hence there will be a mixture of waves/surf and complete random randomness.

I have just completed a degree in a Bachelor of Surf Science & Technology (YES a degree that involves the surfing environment and industry plus other environmental and technological sciences) and also a supporting major in business studies. Kinda looking for a job, kinda not.

Please dont be shy. You can also check out full albums at my Flickr site just by clicking HERE

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I play lacrosse in the non summer months. I have a bung shoulder at the moment tho, so i cant train. I just do running exercises and then shoot some snaps of the other boys

Monday, March 30, 2009

House sitting

House sitting.

I house sat my uncles house for all of last week. He's got a nintendo Wii, i got 1957 skill points in Wii Tennis. This means im a pro. Whilst serving against Derrick and Suri i looked up and saw this>

Monday, March 23, 2009


Sorry bout the lake of posts over the last week or so. Been super hectic with hours at work jumping and the start of the Lacrosse season (I play, so that means training has started which = less time). Ive been taking heaps of photos tho, its just a matter of posting them. Here's a lil taste...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cottesloe beach art festy

Went down to Cott beach the other night and took some snaps of the art and the bounds of people that were around. My fav shot is of the kids helping each other up the side of the sea container.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Project ReFace

Last weekend went and checked out this cool street art exhibition in the city (Next to the Duxton hotel). They have pieces of art and project them through projectors onto the sides of buildings. Cool idea.

I think its also on this wknd on fri and sat night if you want to go check it out.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Crawley Boat shed

Thee most photographed icon in Perth by far. So here's my take on it.

Monday, March 2, 2009

In the city again....

Yep in the city again. That crane was super high up and that elevator shot was super hard because i had to do it in between people getting in and out.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The other day at work

At work the other day and had my camera by my side all day pretty much. Went to go home and got stuck in traffic for like 45min (Check Bullseye phot, and it usually takes 20min max to get home). Bitterly pist off at the traffic that day.