Welcome to This Blog

I know its mostly photo's .... so if your not into that stuff then this prob isnt the place for you.

I travel a relative amount in WA chasing waves to surf, so now being armed with a camera i can document the places and waves that i get to see. I also carry my rig around with me prop about 80% of the time to shoot just random things that interest me, hence there will be a mixture of waves/surf and complete random randomness.

I have just completed a degree in a Bachelor of Surf Science & Technology (YES a degree that involves the surfing environment and industry plus other environmental and technological sciences) and also a supporting major in business studies. Kinda looking for a job, kinda not.

Please dont be shy. You can also check out full albums at my Flickr site just by clicking HERE

Monday, March 15, 2010

Cott Sculptures

Cott Beach 15/3

Flags are semi see through. Get the light behind them....