Welcome to This Blog

I know its mostly photo's .... so if your not into that stuff then this prob isnt the place for you.

I travel a relative amount in WA chasing waves to surf, so now being armed with a camera i can document the places and waves that i get to see. I also carry my rig around with me prop about 80% of the time to shoot just random things that interest me, hence there will be a mixture of waves/surf and complete random randomness.

I have just completed a degree in a Bachelor of Surf Science & Technology (YES a degree that involves the surfing environment and industry plus other environmental and technological sciences) and also a supporting major in business studies. Kinda looking for a job, kinda not.

Please dont be shy. You can also check out full albums at my Flickr site just by clicking HERE

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Dancing Goat

Best Cafe in Perth by far, also run by two of the coolest people goin round.

Go have a dance there, its in Swanborne opposite the Swanny traino (Claremont side)


  1. wow that orange moon that night was incredible ! better than that silly smiley thing ever though it happens more often. tried to capture it on my casio ( camera not watch! ) but it looked shit.

  2. so i know one of the guys that owns this place and i googled it to try find where it is and low and behold, ur blog reference is the first thing that is listed. craziness.


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